For many a retro gamer mentioning Out Run conjured up memories of racing at high speed through a host of idyllic locations in a Ferrari. There have been numerous remakes over the years but only the Xbox version in 2004 really managed to capture that spirit of freedom and speed that the original had. That’s… Read more
EA’s sports titles have undergone a bit of a renaissance of late. Fifa is the top dog, NHL is the best sports title on the market, NBA while being behind 2k’s effort is still very nice to play. Madden is the only choice when it comes to NFL. So it is no surprise to see… Read more
It’s that time of year again for armchair Quarterbacks to kiss their loved ones goodbye and get ready for another long campaign of franchises and Super Bowls. Yes, ready for some football or not the professional season is just around the corner. Likewise the videogame versions of America’s favorite sport have begun to take the… Read more
Few people can argue that Nintendo know how to make an original game. They’ve constantly been at the forefront of true innovation for longer than I care to remember – whether they’re revolutionising platform games or action roleplayers, Nintendo have always preferred quality over quantity and I for one appreciate the extra lengths they go… Read more
It’s currently in vogue to put down EA. From inside the industry they’re the very epitome of what’s wrong with publishers – endless sequels with very little improvements; lazy film tie-ins and cheap multiplatform ports. Unfortunately, though, they’re not alone – there are other companies doing exactly the same thing, and although the Pro Evo… Read more
Ace Combat 3 on the Playstation was quite possibly one of the worst examples of what can happen to a game in-between the Japanese and European releases. The original full game release in Japan had compelling and interesting game play coupled with a brilliant story using anime-styled characters and in-game chatter. However, by the time… Read more
Here it is, The DC version of the 1999 PC classy violent and politically incorrect PC game. This long-awaited First person shooter finally hits (DC) home with a bump and a shot to the head. You are placed into the shoes of one of the world best mercenaries in the UN branch, John Mullins and… Read more