Blink, and you’ll miss them. To the left and right of your frontal gaze are minute moments of happenstance; seismic shifts in the electroencephalographical field of vision; subtextual disturbances in the narrative ‘force’ that is Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. Gamestyle missed them – at first. But a dogged persistence to join the… Read more
When GTA was announced for the DS, the response was a flurry of scepticism. Not surprising, really; the series may have started off as a top down game, but after enjoying the amount of content in Liberty City, would we really want to return to the series’ archaic roots? Well, yes, actually… although Chinatown Wars… Read more
You know how it is, you wait for a Pinball game then two come along at once. Whilst The Pinball Arcade does a fine job of recreating real world tables, the team behind Zen Pinball took a different approach. This is more of a videogame pinball experience, but by no means does it offer up… Read more
Ah LEGO, is there any franchise that won’t one day become immortalized in your wonderful blocks of greatness? This time it is the heroes from the Marvel world that get the block treatment. Yep, so far we have had Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings (and soon to come The Hobbit)… Read more