Tag: Nintendo

  • Super Mario Galaxy 2

    The first Super Mario Galaxy is one of the few games which we would still gladly pay full-price for again; it really was that good, and worth every single penny. With that in mind, we really did wonder how anybody could possibly claim that this sequel was better, and we found ourselves practically daring it…

  • Animal Crossing

    Few people can argue that Nintendo know how to make an original game. They’ve constantly been at the forefront of true innovation for longer than I care to remember – whether they’re revolutionising platform games or action roleplayers, Nintendo have always preferred quality over quantity and I for one appreciate the extra lengths they go…

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    First I must begin with an apology because it is extremely difficult to review any Zelda release. When Famitsu awards a perfect score, the recipient is not to be taken lightly: even if it was the most controversial game of the last few years. If this were a trial, the judge would have dismissed the…

  • Metroid Prime

    Stepping out of your Hunter spacecraft, you survey the surrounding environment of Tallon IV. The weather is miserable and your spirits are dampened somewhat by the steady drumming rain that pours down and bounces nonchalantly off your arm cannon. Your scan visor indicates that your current area is relatively safe, so with a few tentative…

  • Blast Corps

    While it is difficult to justify the N64 as being a golden age of gaming, it certainly produced more than its fair share of influential and challenging releases amidst many titles not worthy of displaying the Nintendo seal of quality. Support from UK developer Rare was a key ingredient, Goldeneye may receive most of the…