Garry Webber

  • Gears of War 2

    Gears of War was the first system seller for the 360 and quite possibly the first title that convinced many at Gamestyle Towers that they had made the right choice. Two years on, the hotly-anticipated sequel is finally released, with a promise of being “bigger, better and more badass,” and delivering on it. The story… Read more

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  • Halo 3

    Is there any point in trying to keep our emotions in check for this Halo 3 review? Should we start by trying to remind ourselves of the series genesis with Halo: Combat Evolved on the Xbox console and how it redefined the console shooter? Perhaps then moving on to discuss the nature of hype and… Read more

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  • Halo 2

    Halo 2 is literally a game of two halves; a game with a multiplayer mode that arguably had fans looking forward to it more than the single-player. After playing Halo 2 both online and off, Gamestyle decided that to best appraise the title, we had to review the two modes separately. While aspects of the… Read more

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  • Ace Combat: Distant Thunder

    Ace Combat 3 on the Playstation was quite possibly one of the worst examples of what can happen to a game in-between the Japanese and European releases. The original full game release in Japan had compelling and interesting game play coupled with a brilliant story using anime-styled characters and in-game chatter. However, by the time… Read more

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