GTA V has a remaster, a trend for late last gen games in 2014. But unlike Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs and some others, this is a bit special and could well be worth a buy even if you rinsed the original release. We won’t spend time talking about the core game, as that is pretty… Read more
There is a little known game series known as Grand Theft Auto, that maybe some of you may have heard of, one or two might even have played one of the games. So under the radar the fifth iteration of the series has been released. Gamestyle take a look at what we can expect. We… Read more
The Last Of Us is a Sony exclusive from Naughty Dog, makers of Jak & Daxter and Uncharted. It may be the most important game of the next generation, despite being the swansong from this generation. This is going to be a two part review of sorts. We’ll start with the game itself and avoid… Read more
Limbo, as stated in the dictionary, is the term for a piece of Roman Catholic Theology. The border of hell or heaven, serving as the after death of unbaptised infants and of the righteous who died before coming of Christ. Well now many will know it as a wonderful but darkly game on Microsoft’s Xbox… Read more
The first Super Mario Galaxy is one of the few games which we would still gladly pay full-price for again; it really was that good, and worth every single penny. With that in mind, we really did wonder how anybody could possibly claim that this sequel was better, and we found ourselves practically daring it… Read more
Forza Motorsport 2 was a wonderful racing title, despite a few flaws. It really shone in the online department. A testament to the game is that it still had a solid community playing right up until the release of Forza 3. There have been other racing titles that have offered plenty of fun moments, yet… Read more
When GTA was announced for the DS, the response was a flurry of scepticism. Not surprising, really; the series may have started off as a top down game, but after enjoying the amount of content in Liberty City, would we really want to return to the series’ archaic roots? Well, yes, actually… although Chinatown Wars… Read more
Gears of War was the first system seller for the 360 and quite possibly the first title that convinced many at Gamestyle Towers that they had made the right choice. Two years on, the hotly-anticipated sequel is finally released, with a promise of being “bigger, better and more badass,” and delivering on it. The story… Read more
At the turn of the millennium it was clear that Sega was still struggling to find its identity at the tail end of the Dreamcast era. Changes had to be made to put the developer on a firmer footing for the challenges ahead, and today we can see the results of these endeavours. Looking back… Read more
Is there any point in trying to keep our emotions in check for this Halo 3 review? Should we start by trying to remind ourselves of the series genesis with Halo: Combat Evolved on the Xbox console and how it redefined the console shooter? Perhaps then moving on to discuss the nature of hype and… Read more