So hear me out for a moment. At the back end of 2015 I came to a decision that I wanted to step down from Gamestyle. Life got in the way and I couldn’t dedicate the time I felt the site deserved. There was another reason though. I just didn’t enjoy writing about games any… Read more
There have been as many Bond games as there have films. There have been as many developers for those games as there have been Bond actors. From the sublime in Goldeneye to the below average Nightfire. There hasn’t exactly been a dreadful game, but fans of the films set the bar high when it comes… Read more
ICO at heart is simple yet it is hard to put into words the experience and things that await you in this stylish game from Sony. ICO in many ways it reminds me of the Canadian sci-fi film Cube, where a group of individuals are trapped within a cube complex, each room contains a puzzle… Read more
Many problems arise while giving an opinion on a video game. While reviewing a game such as Metal Gear Solid 2, do I praise the title for it’s excellent story, movie like FMV and constantly great style of the game. Or do I slate it for having far too many FMV’s and not enough gameplay?… Read more