Ace Combat 3 on the Playstation was quite possibly one of the worst examples of what can happen to a game in-between the Japanese and European releases. The original full game release in Japan had compelling and interesting game play coupled with a brilliant story using anime-styled characters and in-game chatter. However, by the time… Read more
Stunning images of an alien world seemingly built on a metallic ring deep in space with human marines, military vehicles and menacing aliens helped Halo grab the attention of everyone who saw it during it’s development. These fantastic shots left many questions about the world and the story, but most of all they left us… Read more
Can it be that almost five years have passed since the arrival of the original Killzone? Hyped to a detrimental extent of being a ‘Halo-killer’, it was light-years behind the Bungie original. Has Guerrilla finally learned from its mistakes and delivered? For all the criticism levelled at the original Killzone, it certainly did harbour some… Read more
God’s, demons, leprechauns and such no longer strike fear into the hearts of common folk. Continuous absences and lack of reliable proof are substantial enough evidence to disprove their existence. But despite this, demonic fables about them rising from hell and such have a certain sinister, fear inducing coolness, which will always probably remain one… Read more
ICO at heart is simple yet it is hard to put into words the experience and things that await you in this stylish game from Sony. ICO in many ways it reminds me of the Canadian sci-fi film Cube, where a group of individuals are trapped within a cube complex, each room contains a puzzle… Read more